Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I am worried lately. Worried about how I am going to get all my school work done: two learning modules with lots of reading, group Prezi, 500 word blog on Change Theory due Sunday and Tuesday; presentation, two 4-8 page papers due April 19-20 and May 2nd. This has me freaking out enough but then my job on top of it all! Superintendent is going to buildings telling everyone that all elementary art will be on a cart next year. There is no way I can manage pushing a cart around a huge building and teach proper art to 600 students. I want to scream but my alergies have left me horse. Plus, there will most likely be a big bid for jobs which means that all the art teachers get in a room and in order of senority choose the job (building) they want. I am 5th from the bottom of the list and two below me will probably loose their jobs this year. If I get STUCK at the same building I will probably end up going crazy. The principal alloted me $160 for materials and supplies for next year! I ordered paper which will give me approximately 10 sheets per student for the year. I have limited supplies in stock so I have no clue what I will do whether I am on a cart or not! I am seriously thinking that teaching is not for me. I never intended on teaching art. I just happened to have enough credits. I wanted to teach business ed. Unfortunately both have dwindling options for jobs. I have one class and a thesis project to finish by Dec 2011. The thesis project is also freaking me out. I am not sure there are enough anti-depressents to get me through the next year!

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